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  • Introduction

    Newborn photographers have the skills and knowledge to create enchanting photographs while ensuring the baby’s safety. They’re comfortable holding newborns and setting up captivating poses with care. They understand what’s comfortable for the infant and how various positions will photograph. 

    Props and unusual poses are often a part of newborn photography. Some newborn photographers specialize in creating unique and fascinating photographs.

    However, those methods aren’t essential for capturing a beautiful, engaging photo of your baby. Simplicity, skill, and experience can work wonders. A discussion with potential baby photographers and a review of their portfolio can help new parents choose the newborn photographer that best meets their needs.
  • When is the best time to schedule my newborn session?

    Newborn photography session scheduling can be challenging. Parents have a very narrow window after the baby arrives to secure those time-sensitive photos. But babies don’t arrive on schedule. So, it’s best to find a newborn photographer well in advance of your due date. Be sure they're flexible and available in the weeks prior to and after that date.

  • How soon should you have your newborn photo shoot after birth?

    Newborns are easily identifiable by their size and the tight fetal position they had in the womb. But they don’t maintain those curly poses for long. So, it’s important to have their photo shoot a few days after birth. Try not to wait over two weeks post-childbirth if you want the brand-new infant image for your photos.

  • How long does a newborn shoot typically last?

    The length of a newborn shoot varies. But expect it to take at least two hours, possibly three to four hours. The infant’s comfort and safety are the priority. Little ones are unpredictable, and the photographer might need to wait until Baby has been lulled to sleep. Plus, the infant will probably need to be fed and changed during the shoot.

  • How much does newborn photography typically cost?

    On average, professional newborn photographers charge between $100 and $300 per hour, and the photo shoot can easily take up to four hours. Those fees should include the digital images. Parents will pay separately to have them printed. Other photographers charge flat fees per session or per number of photographs. Most of these services start at $100 or higher.

  • Why do you photograph babies between 5-14 days old?

     A productive photo shoot is difficult with newborns younger than five days. They’re hungry and restless, as they’re not yet familiar with being outside the womb. Wait about five to seven days when they’re on a somewhat reliable feeding schedule and sleepy and relaxed for longer periods of time. But waiting longer than two weeks risks losing that familiar newborn look.

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