
Left Lane Laws by State Staff Profile Picture
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Alex Weatherby Profile Picture
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Despite the fact that most vehicles use the left lane as their personal speedway, it was created for vehicles to make passing safe. If misused, there is an increased risk of accidents, which is why most states put regulations on the use of the left lane. Read on to get a better understanding of the left lane laws in your state along with penalties for not following the regulations. 

Overview of Lane Restrictions

In certain situations, trucks are required to drive at a lower speed on freeways, which impacts the way other vehicles navigate around them. Local governments put regulations on the use of the left lane to minimize the way that trucks interact with the rest of the vehicles on the road. These strategies help to reduce traffic and lower accident risk from drivers who may become aggressive while trying to maneuver around larger, slower vehicles. While there are no direct laws in place, some states have restrictions to regulate the use of the left lane. A few states restrict the usage of the left lane for trucks alone, requiring them to stay out of the left lane altogether unless turning left or passing another vehicle. However, the majority of states apply those restrictions across all vehicles.

As always, it is important to pay attention to local guidelines to understand what restrictions are in place wherever you are driving, as they can change from county to county. Counties may also have differing definitions for various types of vehicles, which will be defined in the sections below.

Left Lane Laws by State


State Code: §32-5A-80; 32-5A-8

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left


1st offense: Up to $100 fine or 10 days in jail
2nd offense within 1 year: Fine up to $200 and/or 30 days in jail
3rd or subsequent offense within 1 year: Fine up to $500 and/or 3 months of jail time


State Code: §13 AAC 02.050(b); 13 AAC 03.050(b); 13 AAC 03.085; 28.90.010(c)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left

Penalty: Fine up to $300


State Code: §28-721; 28-736; 28-1598;

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction:

Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Vehicles over 26,000 lbs. must use specified lanes if designated to do so by local authorities. This also applies to vehicles pulling trailers over 6,000 lbs.

Penalty: Fine of up to $250


State Code: §27-65-107(a)(16) & (b); 27-51-301(b) & (c)


Lane Restriction: Designated vehicles are prohibited from using the farthest left lane on designated six-lane interstate highways. All vehicles are prohibited from impeding traffic in the left lane of a multilane road.

Penalty: Fine of up to $100


State Code: §21655; 22406; 42001

Applies to: Motor trucks, trucks with 3+ axles, and truck tractors trailing another vehicle

Lane Restriction: Designated vehicles must use lanes designated by signs. If there is no designated lane, vehicles must use the right-hand lane. If four or more lanes are present, the vehicle may use a second-to-right-hand lane. When passing, the designated vehicle must use the designated lane, second-to-right lane, or right lane.


1st offense: Fine up to $100
2nd offense within 1 year: Fine up to $200
3rd offense within 1 year: Fine up to $250


State Code: §42-4-1001(2); 42-4-1013; 42-4-1701

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Passing lanes with a posted speed limit of 65 miles per hour are restricted to passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of up to $100


State Code: §14-230a; 14-230

Applies to: Operators of vehicles with commercial registration, motor bus, trailer, or school bus

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Usage of the far-left lane on designated highways with more than two lanes is prohibited. 

Penalty: Fine of $88


State Code:§21-4114(b); 21-4205

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. 


1st offense: Fine of $25-$75
Subsequent offenses within 12 months: Fine of $57.50-$95


State Code: §316.081(2) & (3); 318.18(3)(a)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Vehicles must move out of the lane if they are being overtaken from behind. 

Penalty: Fine of $161 and/or 3 points added to their license. 

* A change made to FL bill S464 clarifies the use of the left lane if it is an HOV lane. The lane immediately to the right of said lane or left turn lane would be the furthest left lane in that case. 


State Code: §40-6-52

Applies to: Vehicles with more than six wheels, except buses and motor coaches

Lane Restriction: Trucks must use designated lanes. If no lanes are designated, and two or three lanes are available, trucks may not use the far-left lane except to pass or turn left.

Penalty: Varies by location


State Code: §291C-41(b); 291C-161

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Vehicles may not drive slower than 5 mph under the speed limit within Honolulu city limits. 


1st offense: Fine up to $200
2nd offense in 1 year: Fine up to $300
3rd offense in 1 year: Fine up to $500


State Code: §49-630(2); 18-113A

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. 

Penalty: Fine of up to $300


State Code: §625-5/11-701(d) & (e); 625-5/16-104; 730-5/5-4.5-75

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. 

Penalty: Fines up to $1,000 depending on location. 


State Code: §9-21-8-12 et seq.; 9-21-8-49; 34-28-5-4

Applies to: Trucks, truck tractors, road tractors, trailers, semi-trailers, or pole trailers.

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. 

Penalty: Fine of up to $500, fines can increase if uncontested. 


State Code:§321-297(2)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. 

Penalty: Fine of $100


State Code: §8-1522(c); 8-2118

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. 

Penalty: Fine of $75


State Code: §189.340(7); 189.990(1)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left on freeways with a posted speed higher than 65. 

Penalty: Fine of $20-$100


State Code:§32-71(B); 32-57(A)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. 


1st offense: Fine of up to $175 or up to 30 days in prison
Subsequent offense: Fine up to $500 or up to 90 days in prison


State Code: §29-A.2052; 29-A.103; 4.164(12)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left on freeways with a posted speed higher than 65. 

Penalty: Fine between $25 and $500 ($137 if uncontested)


State Code:§21-301(b); 27-101(a) & (b)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left 

Penalty: Fine up to $500


State Code: §89.4C; 89.4B; 89.5

Applies to: Commercial vehicles weighing more than 2.5 tons, used to transport goods, wares, and merchandise. 

Lane Restriction: Designated vehicles must use the far-right lane unless in the case of an emergency. All vehicles must stay to the right except when passing or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of up to $100


State Code: §257.634(3); 257.907(3)

Applies to: Trucks with a gross weight over 10,000 pounds, truck tractors, or a combination of vehicle and trailer or semi-trailer

Lane Restriction: Must use two right lanes on freeways with three or more lanes, except to turn left or avoid a hazard.

Penalty: Fine of up to $250


State Code: §169.18(10); 169.89

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of up to $300


State Code:§63-3-603(d); 63-9-11

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of up to $100


State Code:§304.015(7-9)

Applies to: Trucks weighing more than 48,000 pounds used to transport property; freight, merchandise, or more than eight passengers (excluding vanpools and shuttle buses)

Lane Restriction: Designated vehicles may not use left-hand lanes on interstate highways, freeways, expressways, or within urbanized areas that have three or more lanes.

Penalty: Varies 


State Code: §61-8-321(3); 61-8-711

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.


1st offense: Fine of $10-$100
2nd offense in 1 year: Fines up to $25-$200
3rd offense in 1 year: Fines up to $50-$500


State Code: §60-6,131; 60-689

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.


1st offense: fine up to $100
2nd offense in 1 year: up to $200
3rd offense in 1 year: up to $300


State Code: §484B-627; 2017 Assembly Bill 334; 484A.900

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Slower traffic must stay out of the left lane. Vehicles must quit the left lane if being overtaken by faster vehicles. 


1st offense: Fines up to $50
2nd offense: Fines up to $100
3rd offense: Fines up to $250

New Hampshire

State Code:§265:16(II); 265:2(IV); NH Fines

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.


1st offense: Fines up to $62
2nd offense: Fines up to $124

New Jersey

State Code: §39-4-88(e); 39-4-203

Applies to: Trucks with a minimum of 10,000 pounds registered gross weight

Lane Restriction: Designated vehicles may not drive in the far left-hand lane of the roadway with three or more lanes, except for up to one mile before a left-hand turn, to enter or exit the roadway, or due to emergency conditions

Penalty: Fine of $50-$200, imprisonment for up to 15 days, or both.

*Bill A4470 is awaiting consideration, which would double the fines from $200-$600 and revise the restrictions from a three-lane roadway to any roadway with two or more lanes.

New Mexico

State Code: §66-7-308(B); 66-8-116

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Large trucks traveling on multiple-lane highways must stay in the far-right lane. 


Fine of up to $25 for regular vehicles.
Large trucks can face fines of up to $250 fines.

New York

State Code: §1120(b); 1128; 1800

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.


1st offense: Fine of up to $150 and/or imprisonment for up to 15 days
2nd offense in 18 months: Up to $300 and/or imprisonment for up to 45 days
Subsequent offense in 18 months: Up to $450 and or imprisonment for up to 90 days

North Carolina

State Code:§20-146(e); 20-176

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of up to $100

North Dakota

State Code: §39-10-08; 39-07-06; 39-06.1-06; 39-06.1-09

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of $20


State Code:§4511.25(B); 4511.351; 2929.21 et seq.

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES (Including trackless trolleys)

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fines vary on vehicle type and location


State Code:§47-11-301; 47-11-309(5); 47-11-309(5); 47-17-101

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of $5-$500 or imprisonment for up to 10 days


State Code: §59-811.325; 14-153.018

Applies to: Any camper, vehicle with a trailer, vehicle with registration weight minimum of 10,000 pounds

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine up to $1,000 for individuals, $2,000 for corporations


State Code:§3313(d); 6502

Applies to: Vehicle or combination over 10,000 pounds

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of $25

Rhode Island

State Code: §31-15-2; 31-41.1-4

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of $85

South Carolina

State Code: §56-5-1810

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Commercial drivers are exempt from the rule when they are not able to move into the right lane safely.

Penalty: Fines are limited to $25, though there is a bill to increase the fine to $100

South Dakota

State Code: §32-26-1; 32-26-8; 22-6-2

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Must obey signs designating lanes for slow-moving traffic.

Penalty: Fine of up to $500, imprisonment for up to 30 days, or both


State Code: §55-8-115(b); 55-8-195; 55-8-103; 40-35-111(e)(3)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Must obey highway signage limiting truck tractors and semi-trailers to specific lanes except to pass.


Fine of up to $50, imprisonment for up to 30 days, or both
Signage violation: Fine of up to $50


State Code: §545-051(b); 545-0651; 542.401

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. Must obey traffic control devices limiting certain vehicles to specific lanes except to pass.

Penalty: Fine of $1-$200


State Code: §41-6a-702; 76-3-301

Applies to: Vehicle pulling a trailer or semi-trailer; vehicle or combination of vehicles with gross weight of 12,001 or more pounds

Lane Restriction: Designated vehicles may not use the left lane of a freeway with at least three lanes except to turn left, exit, avoid merging traffic, respond to emergency conditions, or follow direction signs.

Penalty: Fine of up to $750 ($1,000 for a corporation, associations, partnerships, and governmental instrumentalities)


State Code: §1031; 2302

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.

Penalty: Fine of up to $1,000


State Code: §46.2-803.1; 46.2-341.4; 46.2-113; 18.2-11

Applies to: Commercial motor vehicles excluding buses, school buses, or vehicles performing maintenance or construction work on interstate highways.

Lane Restriction: Vehicles may not drive in the left lane of any interstate highway with more than two lanes with a posted speed limit of at least 65 mph. Vehicles may not drive in the left lane on interstate highways within Eighth Planning District or Interstate Route 81. 

Penalty: Fine of up to $750


State Code: §46-61-100(2) & (3); 46-63-020; 46-63-110

Applies to: Vehicles or combinations weighing more than 10,000 pounds

Lane Restriction: Designated vehicles may not use the left lane of a limited access roadway with three or more lanes except for turning left. They may also not use the left lane of a two-lane roadway except to pass, avoid merging traffic, turn left, or exit.

Penalty: Fine of up to $250

West Virginia

State Code: §17C-7-1(b) & c

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left.


1st offense: Fine of up to $100
2nd offense in one year: Fine of up to $200
Subsequent offense: Fine of up to $500


State Code: §346.05; 346.17(2)

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane of a three-lane highway if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle, turning left, or making a U-Turn.

Penalty: Fine of $30-$300


State Code: §31-5-201(b); 31-5-304(c); 31-4-104

Applies to: ALL VEHICLES

Lane Restriction: Vehicles must drive in the right-hand lane if driving slower than the flow of traffic except when passing another vehicle or turning left. 

Penalty: Fine of up to $750

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Alex WeatherbyReviewer

Alex is a personal injury lawyer who specializes in truck accidents and catastrophic injury claims. He knows first-hand what it means to have suffered great loss, and he has in turn dedicated his life to helping injured clients get the compensation they deserve. Alex is an award-winning personal injury trial lawyer. He has achieved a record setting verdict and regularly teaches other lawyers about maximizing their cases. Visit: