How Much Does a Slip-and-Fall Lawyer Cost? [2024]

![How Much Does a Slip-and-Fall Lawyer Cost? [2023] DUP IMAGE](
The National Floor Safety Institute estimates that 1 out of 3 adults over the age of 65 will suffer a fall every year. Of these, approximately half will be unable to return to the same standard of living and independence following their accident. Slip-and-fall accidents are one of the most common causes of overall injuries nationwide. If you have suffered a slip-and-fall due to a property owner’s negligence in upkeeping their property, you may be eligible to file a slip-and-fall lawsuit to recover the cost of your physical and financial losses. Because of the complexities of slip-and-fall injury lawsuits, most accident victims choose to hire an injury attorney to represent their claim.
Of course, any attorney you hire to represent your slip-and-fall claim will need to be compensated for their work. This is one of the first considerations on many slip-and-fall accident victims’ minds when exploring their legal options. Many accident victims may hesitate to seek the quality representation they need for fear of exorbitant legal fees. However, if attorney compensation varies widely, how can victims of slip-and-fall accidents determine what to expect when hiring an attorney?
Do I Need a Slip-and-Fall Attorney?
At first glance, it may seem that forgoing representation is a smart way to save costs. After all, in many cases, the defendant or their insurer may offer you a settlement– why not take the settlement offer and forgo worrying over legal fees?
Unfortunately, the issue isn’t so simple. Any compensation offered to an unrepresented plaintiff is unlikely to cover the full costs of the victim’s economic and non-economic losses. With slip-and-fall accidents, the question of liability is difficult to prove. In order to receive compensation, it must be determined that hazardous conditions on the premises (for example, slippery, uneven, or obstructed surfaces) were to blame for the accident. Once that premise is determined, the owners of the property can be sued for damages (which will also need to be linked to the slip-and-fall accident).
In short, hiring experienced representation substantially increases the likelihood of receiving the compensation you deserve. If you are seeking compensation after a slip-and-fall accident, it is in your best interests to schedule a consultation with an injury attorney as soon as possible and explore the full extent of your legal options.
Slip-and-Fall Lawyer Costs: What to Expect
Because of the complex variables involved, it can be difficult to estimate the total cost of hiring legal representation. If attorney compensation varies widely, however, how can slip-and-fall accident victims know what to expect when hiring an injury attorney?
The following examples are the most common costs associated with hiring legal representation. While this list won’t be able to give you an exact figure, it will cover the average costs of each of these categories and help you prepare to hire the representation you deserve.
Resources for Slip-and-Fall Victims
Victims of slip-and-falls may face various physical and financial burdens in the aftermath of their accidents. However, with the right resources, the worst of these strains can be reduced or eliminated altogether. The following resources provide both information and assistance to slip-and-fall accident victims and their families. Legal Directory
If you are looking for a qualified slip-and-fall attorney to represent your claim, you will need to explore options in your area. The database of experienced personal injury attorneys at is free to use and can be accessed by anyone. By selecting your nearest metro in the dropdown menu, you can easily access a list of reputable personal injury attorneys near you.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Resources
Millions of Americans are injured by slips and falls every year. To help educate the public on these preventable accidents, the CDC has compiled a page of slip-and-fall injury resources. These resources include strategies for avoiding accidents, as well as statistics on slip-and-fall injuries, and information on medical treatment. The CDC also developed the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries) initiative to focus on preventing slip-and-fall accidents among the elderly.
Hospital Charity Care
For many victims, the hardest burden of a slip-and-fall accident is the accompanying financial bills. Aside from the costs of doctor’s visits and medical treatments, slip-and-fall injuries may also necessitate a short or long-term leave from work, resulting in a potential decrease in income. While your slip-and-fall attorney will do all they can to recover these losses in your injury lawsuit, many hospitals do offer financial assistance to low-income individuals that may help ease your financial burden in the short term. The Affordable Care Act requires all hospitals designated 501(c)(3) to offer some form of “charity care” to eligible patients. Contact your hospital to determine if you are eligible to receive this form of financial assistance with your medical bills. StaffAuthor
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