Roblox Litigation: Do You Qualify For a Settlement?

Online game Roblox is one of the most famous names in children’s entertainment, boasting over 60,000,000 active daily users and billions of dollars in annual revenue. Its massively multiplayer online world allows its primarily young userbase to interact virtually while experimenting with game design.
But, the platform has a darker side. Users are often targeted by scammers, and Roblox Corporation has been at the center of several lawsuits; the latest alleging that the game deletes valuable items from users’ accounts without compensation.
If you or your children were among the users affected by the company’s moderation policies, you may be eligible for part of a $10,000,000 class-action settlement (“Settlement”). This page will inform you about the details of the Roblox Lawsuit, the proposed Settlement, how you can receive your share, and other options for pursuing financial compensation from Roblox.
Background of the Case
The Roblox Settlement is the result of a class-action claim against Roblox alleging that it defrauded users out of content they had purchased.
Roblox thrives on user-generated content (“UGC”), clothing for in-game avatars, playable games, etc., which users buy and sell with in-game currency called Robux. Robux is a virtual currency, but players can only obtain it through in-game sales or purchases with real currency.
Roblox moderators often delete UGC that could be considered offensive or harmful to minors, including both clothing and games. When an item is deleted, it disappears from the libraries of all those who previously purchased it. The class-action case alleged that Roblox Corporation did not provide users whose purchases were deleted with a refund in cash or Robux.
Roblox chose to provide the Settlement to affected users to reimburse them for their losses. If the Settlement is approved, those users will receive a credit compensating for some of their lost Robux.
Can I Claim Money Under the Roblox Settlement?
If you had a Roblox account before May 11, 2023, and used it to purchase items that were later deleted, you are entitled to a share of the Settlement. You do not need to consult a lawyer or take further action to receive that share.
However, if your account is suspected of suspicious purchasing activity, such as exchanging the same item several times between two parties, you may be ineligible to participate in the Settlement. For instance, Roblox believes that some of its users were employing their platform to launder money, and has excluded those users from the Settlement. LIkewise, a user will not receive credit for items purchased after they were moderated or sold by them to his/her self.
What information do I need to provide to file a claim?
If you have an active and eligible Roblox account, you do not need to do anything. You will automatically receive a refund of Robux to your account. Class members who were owed more than $10 from the settlement had the option to receive their portion in cash. However, the deadline to do so passed on August 10, 2023.
What if I deleted my account?
If you are eligible for the settlement and deleted your Roblox account, you may have been given a Unique Claim ID that made you eligible to claim your credit in cash rather than Robux. If not, you are unfortunately ineligible for a share of the settlement.
Do I get more money if I have multiple accounts?
If you had moderated items deleted from multiple accounts, you would receive a credit to each account based on the value of the deleted items.
Can I file a claim for a deceased person?
If the account of a deceased person is still active, the settlement proceeds will be deposited to their account. If not, the personal representative of the Estate of the deceased may be able to claim the settlement on their behalf. That person should contact the settlement administrator to find out what documents are necessary to prove their legal status as the representative of the deceased.
How many Robux will I get?
Your portion of the settlement will be based on the value of the items deleted from your account. The exact number will depend on how much is deducted from the settlement fund for Attorneys’ fees, and the number of class action participants. That means it is impossible to calculate ahead of time. Unfortunately, your portion will likely be less than the value of the items that you lost.
How long does it take to receive my settlement?
Class action settlements tend to take a long time to be disbursed; often two to three years. Ultimately, the Court will decide whether or not to approve the Roblox settlement on September 27, but that decision is likely to be followed by appeals from either side. So, expect to wait at least a year to receive your credit.
How To Opt Out of the Settlement and Why
If you receive a settlement from the Roblox Class Action, you waive your right to pursue legal action against Roblox Corporation for deleting items from your account. Pursuing your own lawsuit means you could potentially receive a much higher settlement. However, it will also entail a lengthier and more involved process, and you will likely need an attorney to help you navigate it.
The class action gave members of the class the option to exclude themselves from the settlement. However, the deadline for exclusion was August 10, 2023.
What if I Don’t Do Anything?
If you do not submit a request for exclusion or for a cash payment, you will receive a Robux credit to your account once the court approves the settlement. By accepting that credit, you will give up your right to sue Roblox Corporation over your deleted items.
Opted Out and Need an Attorney?
If you opt out of receiving your share of the Roblox settlement in favor of pursuing a lawsuit, the counsel of a professional litigation attorney will be essential to your success.’s legal directory can help you find a lawyer experienced with fraud claims to represent you. StaffAuthor
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