Georgia Car Accident Settlement and Verdict Amounts for 2024

Recent cases of car accidents in Georgia recorded settlements ranging from $18,500 to as high as $32 million. This is indicative of the difference in severity and the many variables involved in processing car accident claims in the state. For one, Georgia does not place a cap or statutory limit on the damages that a victim can recover. This means that victims can potentially maximize the compensation that they can claim, depending on their specific circumstances and the extent of their injuries.Â
Take note that a number of factors may influence the court’s evaluation of a case in light of a settlement or a verdict, such as:
Severe and permanent injuries suffered: Serious injuries, such as amputations or loss of limb, traumatic brain injuries, or partial or total paralysis, require extended periods of rehabilitation and medical treatment. These can impact the victim’s ability to earn in the future, as well as their quality of life. Emotional pain and suffering are also taken into account since a long-term disability can interfere with a person’s capacity to deal with day-to-day activities. These aspects all contribute to a higher settlement amount.Â
Liability and fault: Georgia follows the modified comparative fault rule. This rule significantly impacts the final settlement in that the victim’s percentage of fault is deducted from the damages that they can claim. A plaintiff is also barred from receiving any compensation if they are 50% or more at fault for the accident.Â
Prompt medical evaluation: Insurance companies will go out of their way to prove that the accident did not cause the claimant’s injuries. Immediately consulting a medical professional who will provide documentation that connects the victim’s injuries to the accident is crucial to receiving a favorable decision and fair settlement from the court.Â
Post-accident statements: Victims of car accidents should be careful when leaving comments and statements with anyone without first consulting a personal injury attorney. This is especially true when talking to insurance adjusters, who will try to discredit the plaintiff’s claims to reduce the amount of compensation that they are entitled to receive.
The examples in the table below provide insight into how much a victim can obtain from a car accident claim. Note that the amount of settlement or verdict varies depending on the type and severity of the injury sustained.
Examples of Settlement and Verdict Amounts for 2024 Car Accident Cases in Georgia
2023: A Gwinnett County jury awarded $18.9 million to the family of a man who died after sustaining broken vertebrae and ribs, traumatic brain injury, and cuts to his head due to a collision with a Comcast van. The van collided with the victim’s vehicle after running a red light at 55 mph, causing the vehicle to flip over and crash. Because of the severe injuries, the victim needed to be hospitalized for two weeks following a medically induced coma. He died even after an extensive period of rehabilitation, which prompted his family to file a wrongful death lawsuit.
2023: A man received an award of $1.8 million from a jury after sustaining a broken neck due to a car collision. The defendant ran a red light, which caused him to crash his vehicle into the plaintiff’s, and then fled from the accident. At first, the defense offered $70,000 before the trial, arguing that the pain the plaintiff experienced was because of his pre-existing conditions and not as a result of the accident. The defense also offered $200,000 mid-trial, which the victim refused. The jury ruled against the defense and decided to award the plaintiff after a five-hour deliberation.
2023: The parents of a Yale University student obtained a $32.55 million award for the wrongful death of their child after crashing into an ornamental planter in the city. The victim’s car was said to have swerved to avoid an animal or another vehicle and eventually rammed into the planter, causing fatal injuries. The ornamental planter was considered a dangerous public nuisance, which rendered the city 93% at fault for the accident. The victim was assigned 7% of the fault that led to the award amount.Â
2023: A 60-year-old man received $18,500 as compensation for his injuries, including muscle spasms and ligament sprains on his neck and back. The accident, where the victim was rear-ended at a red light, also aggravated pre-existing conditions, such as arthritis in his spine, right-hand pain and swelling, headaches, and 5% impairment to his body.
2022: A Fulton County jury awarded a total of $240,000 to a plaintiff who suffered a scapholunate ligament tear to his wrist as a result of a car crash. The plaintiff also sustained cervical radiculopathy and needed reconstruction surgery for his wrist. After determining liability, the jury calculated a compensation amount of $70,000 for past medical costs and $170,000 for pain and suffering.Â
2021: A 33-year-old woman who was rear-ended in a car accident received $195,000 after a jury verdict. The woman sustained a thoracic disc herniation, which resulted in a 5-month chiropractic treatment. She continued experiencing neck and back pain, which prompted her to take prescription painkillers.Â
2021: A jury awarded $6 million to a 46-year-old man who sustained multiple hip tears after a driver struck him while he was at a car auction. The accident caused the victim to undergo three hip procedures and cortisone injections for his injuries. It also cost the victim his job as a mechanic because of his difficulty with prolonged walking. Aside from filing a liability claim against the car driver, the victim also filed a lawsuit against the auction’s operator.
Online sources about various settlements and verdict amounts in Georgia can be found online. It is important for victims of car accidents to know these so they can negotiate wisely and receive the maximum compensation they can get.
Recover the Compensation that You Deserve
Retaining an experienced personal injury lawyer is crucial for anyone seeking compensation after an accident. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a car accident in Georgia, a car accident attorney will ensure that your rights are protected and that you will receive fair treatment. Not only can a dedicated lawyer help you navigate the complex legal system, they can also bargain with insurance companies to increase your chances of covering medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. StaffAuthor
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