Colorado Car Accident Settlement and Verdict Amounts for 2024

Data shows that car accident claimants in Colorado recently received settlements and verdicts amounting from $20,000 to $45 million. The determining factors for these figures were the degree of liability, adequacy of insurance, severity of injuries, and the possibility of punitive damages.
As a brief background, Colorado follows the modified comparative negligence principle. This law allows plaintiffs to recover damages even though they are partially at fault as long as their shared liability does not exceed 50%. It is also important to note that based on this ruling, claimants’ financial recoveries decrease to reflect their degree of fault.
In addition to the case technicalities mentioned above, failing to retain competent legal counsel affects the chance of getting higher compensation. The table and paragraphs below give an insight into how much plaintiffs have recovered for specific injuries.
Examples of Settlement and Verdict Amounts for 2024 Car Accident Cases in Colorado
2024: Surpassing the largest civil verdict ($33 million in 2019) in Colorado Springs’ history, a $45-million verdict was awarded to a plaintiff by a federal jury on April 17, 2024. The case was filed against Ford Motor Company by Lorelle Thompson, a woman who suffered injuries on December 27, 2016, after a false park incident. According to reports, Thompson got out of her 1998 Ford Expedition to check her mail, supposing that the SUV had been fully locked in park mode. However, due to an alleged defective shifting system, the vehicle moved and rolled over her lower left leg, causing major muscle and nerve damage. The claimant’s legal team argued that the defect had been known by the manufacturer all along but had not been rectified.
2023: An unidentified plaintiff received an $847,000 verdict from an El Paso County jury, seven times greater than the initial settlement offer of the at-fault party’s insurance company. The victim, a single mother, was compensated for economic damages, pain and suffering, and impairment she sustained from a highway crash in 2020. Not settling for less, the woman’s legal counsel took the case to trial and retained experts to prove the impact of the accident on her physical and neuropsychological state, as well as on her earning capacity.
2023: Arapahoe County residents Erik and Kimberly Szakmary received a $557,000 settlement from the City of Denver. Erik, who was 51 years old in 2019, suffered spine injuries that required multiple surgeries after a distracted cop in a patrol car struck him in a crosswalk on Colfax Avenue. The defendant, Jamie Taft, incurred suspensions and pleaded guilty to a careless driving charge. Officials disclosed that Taft resigned from the department in May 2022.
2023: The City of Denver offered a $145,000 settlement to Tanya Martinez Perez, who sustained concussion and injuries to her left shoulder, arm, and wrist following a car accident involving police officer Thomas Moen. Based on case files, the crash stemmed from Moen’s attempt to make an illegal right turn.
2023: A jury agreed on a $102,289 verdict for a passenger of an ambulance who suffered injuries in a motor vehicle accident. The defendant allegedly turned left in front of the ambulance at a junction.
2023: A bicycle-car crash case concluded with a $20,820 jury verdict. The plaintiff, a cyclist, reported pedaling eastbound and trying to make a left turn at a crossing. However, the defendant failed to yield and collided with the left side of the victim’s bicycle, causing the cyclist to roll atop the at-fault party’s vehicle and land on the road.
Recover the Compensation You Deserve
Overcome the challenges that come with pursuing compensation through the help of a reputable car accident lawyer. If you are wondering how to find one, there are online resources designed to guide you. Car accident laws vary per state, and knowing the statutory guidelines applicable to your jurisdiction is crucial in this legal endeavor. StaffAuthor
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