Why choose this provider?
Charles Slamowitz provides superior legal support to entities immersed in the cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence industries. As a founder of two startups and former in-house counsel, he is no stranger to the legal challenges confronting developers, investors, and organizations in the ever-changing digital landscape. He advises Web3 ventures in Warren, Michigan, helping them meet their compliance requirements or protect their interests in the face of controversies, including IP rights or breach of contract lawsuits. His practice also covers securing licensing protection and handling significant business milestones. Slamowitz's firm, Slam Legal, has been entrusted with high-profile projects, including the collaborative mission called "Lunaprise."
- Shareholder Agreements
- Compliance & Risk Management
- Business Litigation
- Blockchain
- A.I.
- Business Contracts
- Crypto
- Business Transactions
- Blockchain Compliance
- Al Risk Mitigation