Review Sources
- 5.0
- Zillow
- 5.0
Why choose this provider?
Julian & Company helps the residents of Bellingham with their real estate needs. Julian Friedman shares his local knowledge of the area with new residents and assists them in selecting the neighborhood that fits their lifestyles as a real estate agent and Realtor. He has gained a wealth of industry experience as a top producer and team member for The Muljat Group. He also serves on the board of the Whatcom County Association of Realtors. Friedman has negotiated the sale of a $4 million residential estate on Lake Whatcom.
- Best Real Estate Agent
- Luxury Homes
- Exclusive real estate listings
- High-end real estate
- Premium real estate services
- Top real estate agent
- Listing Agent
- Bellingham Realtors
- Top real estate broker
- Best Real Estate Broker