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  • Introduction

    It's estimated that 95% of Americans don't meet their daily fiber intake. This is just one example of how the average person's diet may be lacking. A diet deficient in proper nutrients and vitamins can lead to low energy levels, difficulties with memory and problem-solving, as well as various short- or long-term health issues.

    Luckily, a nutritionist can help identify whether a person is missing critical components in their diet and help them create a plan to address these deficiencies. A nutritionist can also help identify food allergies or intolerances, share healthy recipes, create an exercise plan, and monitor a person's progress toward a goal. There are many nutritionists out there, so you want to make sure you understand the different types of nutritionists and how they can help before hiring anyone.

  • What does a nutritionist do?

    A nutritionist is a specialist in food, nutrition, and health. People can go to a nutritionist to get help with their health-related goals, including diet and exercise plans. The plans are customized to the individual and their unique problems or goals.

  • What are the different types of nutritionists?

    • Clinical nutritionists typically work with people to help resolve health issues through a nutritious diet.
    • Sports nutritionists works with athletes or active people who want to elevate their nutrition.
    • Holistic nutritionists look to improve the person’s mind, body, and soul. They focus on using natural foods versus conventional medicine.
  • Is a nutritionist a doctor?

    A nutritionist doesn't have to be a doctor, but a doctor can be a nutritionist. A doctor is an individual with a Doctor of Medicine or a doctorate (Ph.D.) degree. A nutritionist can have just a license, although in some states, even that isn't required. Therefore, a doctor has above-and-beyond credentials to be a nutritionist, but a nutritionist isn't a doctor.

  • What degree does a nutritionist need?

    A registered nutritionist needs to have completed a four-year bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Some of the most common majors for nutritionists are food science, nutrition, biochemistry, dietetics, biology, and chemistry.
    Registered nutritionists can also go on to get their Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition.

  • Do nutritionists have to be licensed?

    Not all states require nutritionists to be licensed or certified. However, many clients prefer to work with a licensed nutritionist for peace of mind that the person is qualified in their field. Additionally, most people prefer to work with a licensed nutritionist if they have insurance, so they can be reimbursed for costs.

  • What is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist?

    A handful of states don't monitor use of the title "nutritionist." A person can opt to get a license or certification in these states, but it's not mandatory. In comparison, a dietitian has to earn their title with a national board certification. Additionally, 13 states require dietitians to be licensed.

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